Ping: John Robinson
1) An html parser/validator. Need to validate html code before posting.

2) A routine to strip out and replace the weird characters when cut and pasting, ie, the curly quotes, smart apostrophes, long dashes, etc.

Found this "demoronizer" on cpan:

Do you think it would work to get rid of Microsoft's smart characters if that's what it is? If so, could you point me in the way to installing it? We're on a cloud service here and we have cpanel to manage the server and the database, and to install perl modules, etc, but I've never done it before and I'm a little leery about trying it on my own.

Also, is there a perl module for validating html?

Can you help me out here?
I can't help you with validating html, but I do have a question. Is there a way when we post to address/ping the person to whom we are responding?
02/19/2013 6:2:33 PST ·
Jim Robinson:
I've got a ping section in the works. Thanks.
02/19/2013 9:12:3 PST ·
Thanks, Jim!
02/19/2013 9:22:23 PST ·

Hello! This is a brief comment.
Some Source · Some Date · Some Author

Howdy John!

Jim Robinson:
How do I use timestamps? I originally had them set as timestamp data types in the database, but couldn't get them to load automatically by mysql when inserting records, so changed them to varchar(19) and loaded them manually in perl using the server's local time function. I then linked your javascript routine for localizing dates, but of course it doesn't do anything in my case.

update - Figured out storing and localizing dates (I hope).
09/24/2010 19:5:56 ·
Jim Robinson:
Got a start on the user profile page and user sidebar.
09/28/2010 2:37:31 ·