Profile Info:
About: | Don't get me started! I'll add more here later. |
City: | South Texas Ranch |
State: | TX |
Country: | United States of America |
FR Chapter: | None Available here |
Political Views: | Very Conservative |
Political Party: | Republican (With reservations at times) |
Religious Views: | Judeo-Christian (Fundamentalist) |
Website: | Freerepublic |
Education: | Grades 1-12, College, Supplemental Courses. A lot of my education has been self education. |
Bio: | If I told you everything I've done, All my various business ventures and so forth I'd probably be called a liar. lol |
Military Service: | An "in betweener": Too young for Korea, Too old by the time Vietnam heated up. (I'm an old geezer) |
Issues For: | Anything Conservative! God and Country |
Issues Against: | Anything Liberal or Anti-American! |
Hobbies Activities: | I'll add something here later. I just don't know where to begin. I'm interested in almost everything. I love to learn new things. |
Books Movies: | Old Movies, Fan of old silent films, Books: Political, Religious, Technical, Scientific, Financial. History (I'm a history buff especially American History) |