This going to take a minute to figure out.
My main and chief observation:
It don't work just like Free Republic.
I've bailed out of places because they didn't work like Free Republic.

Sorry, but I've been accustomed to that format for a dozen years and I dislike
to re-learn how to do stuff I've already mastered.

I like how FR works.

Now I'm going to fry some chicken, y'all do whatever you like.
02/07/2013 15:40:52 PST ·
Come on old dog, learn a new trick. ;-)
02/07/2013 15:51:30 PST ·
Jim Robinson:
Howdy TheMom! This is not a replacement for FR. It's a place where our various club and chapter members and donors can actually go. Also, it's a lot better than the Yahoo account we currently use for backup if FR goes down. And sites like fb can't kick us off if--when--we tick them off.
02/07/2013 15:52:41 PST ·
Jim Robinson:
"I like how FR works."

Ah, shucks. Thanks, Mom!
02/07/2013 15:59:34 PST ·
Jim Robinson:
Oops, I'm confused already about who posted what.
02/07/2013 16:3:4 PST ·
Jim Robinson:
And looks like another bug. A few minutes ago a post listed a couple of comments from a different post. Haven't been able to replicate yet though. Must be a pointer or counter off somewhere.

There's another strange occurrence when a page does,'t reload correctly after viewing "listusers." But of course that's just a temporary list until I get search by user in.
02/07/2013 16:18:37 PST ·
Me too. The way posts are presented doesn't make it real clear where they are directed.
I expect things to work like FR dammit! Sue me, FR rocks and I'm accustomed to it.
02/07/2013 16:19:17 PST ·
Jim Robinson:
Yeah, I know. I'm planning on putting in "Post to:" and "View Replies" and pings similar to FR. Still have a lot of coding to do.
02/07/2013 16:22:35 PST ·
Jim Robinson:
LOL. Also "Like" and "Share."
02/07/2013 16:23:18 PST ·
Jim Robinson:
Also planning on each user being able to have a ping list (or multiple named ping lists by subject or topic) where posters can request to be added or removed. Then you can ping posters to a particular post simply by posting the name of your ping list in the "Ping" (not there yet) field.
02/07/2013 16:26:25 PST ·
Jim Robinson:
Damn. Keep running out of spare time.
02/07/2013 16:28:21 PST ·
Jim Robinson:
Ping, Tag, Reply, Like, Share, etc will be after the fact on posts and will appear on the meta (date) line of each post like "Edit" on your current posts. Just click the respective link for the form to take action. Also, a "Move" link where a page owner can move (or reclassify) a post to a different page on his account if he wishes. As in moving a News post to or from "Breaking" etc. Likewise, a page owner will be able to remove a post from his account if he wishes. In that case, the post will appear on the original poster's home page.
02/07/2013 17:0:1 PST ·
Okay, here I am. What do I do? Maybe I will look around a bit. Thanks for including me, Jim.
02/07/2013 21:31:28 PST ·
Jim Robinson:
Thank you very much, MB. Great having you here.
02/08/2013 0:39:58 PST ·
looking around the site . . . list users isn't working but it seems like the rest of the menus are functional. I'll try adding to my page tomorrow.
02/10/2013 23:8:45 PST ·
List users is working now . . . . I have got to stop playing and go to bed. TTYL
02/10/2013 23:16:59 PST ·
Jim Robinson:
Howdy Jeff! Was working on something else and accidentally fouled up list users without knowing it. Fixed now. Thanks.
02/10/2013 23:17:42 PST ·
Jim Robinson:
Syl, Jeff.
02/10/2013 23:18:47 PST ·
I may be a little late to the party, but I gotta agree with humblegunner. I like the way FR works and am disappointed this has gone in another, foreign direction. I don't completely understand it yet.

That you can edit a reply/post is a hugh, needed enhancement. Thanks.

I'm on a dialup line and speed is essential to me. FWIW and at first blush, this site is a little slower to load than FR. But I'm glad to see you haven't garbaged it up with graphics and geehaws that add nothing to the content.

I don't care for the fact that this posting box is at the bottom of the screen. Feels very unnatural to be spending so much time down here.

So how does the posting work? You post an article, etc. and the replies are listed right after it? The replies are always on the homepage? Seems to me that makes the homepage very long and cluttered. Like I said, I like the way FR works. All the articles, one after the other, listed in nice time order with the replies available via link. It's clean and efficient. If there's an article I'm not interested in I can just scroll down a little bit and it's not there anymore. Here it appears I have to also scroll past the comments as well. What happens when the are hundreds of comments?

All for now. I appreciate the effort and know something like this was not thrown together in an afternoon. I'm a little surprised you didn't take advantage of one of the many prepackaged "forum" packages. There are some really good ones. Free.
02/11/2013 4:55:3 PST ·
I tried to edit the reply I just made. The resizable text box is nice but sized as large as it will get left/right the text runs off the right side. Also, once you resize the box, the resize handle disappears. How come this reply text box is not resizable?
02/11/2013 5:0:12 PST ·
Jim Robinson:
Well, this is not intended to be FR or a replacement for it. It's a conservative social networking site. I'm hoping we can use it as a place where our club members and chapter members can actually go to meet online (other than FR). Each club and chapter or group can set up pages for discussions on events and what have you. I'm planning on having both public and private pages for club/chapter members only. Also a place where people can be free to chat about anything they want. Not necessarily limited to news or politics. I did set up a news page that we can use anytime FR is down. This runs on a different service, than FR--one of those "Cloud" services a lot of people are raving about. We'll see.
02/11/2013 5:11:28 PST ·
Jim Robinson:
The text box you're typing in should expand automatically as you fill it up.
02/11/2013 5:12:31 PST ·
Jim Robinson:
And, yeah, you won't want to resize the edit box beyond your page size. Makes it a bit awkward. Thanks.
02/11/2013 5:13:57 PST ·
Jim Robinson:
Goodnight all.
02/11/2013 5:35:10 PST ·
Hey, TM! Good to see you here, too. I'm kinda lost right now as well. Very cool, though! :)
02/13/2013 9:4:2 PST ·