So, Hannity doesn't like FR?

Hannity: Drudge Report is my favorite.

Question: Which one to you go to more? Huffington Post or Breitbart or Drudge?

Hannity: My home page is the Drudge Report and Hannity dot com, but I would say next on the list right up there is Breitbart.

Question: And then right after that? Huffington post?

Hannity: And then I would say I go to Free Republic. And then I go to Lucianne dot co.

Hannity.. is Hannity. I'd take him for what he's worth.
Hell, just last year Rush couldn't remember Jim Rob's name.

"That Free Republic guy" indeed.
02/07/2013 13:14:41 PST ·
Jim Robinson:
02/07/2013 13:16:32 PST ·
Jim Robinson:
Rush, Hannity, Drudge, the Wash Post, et al, don't need to remember my name as long as they keep coming to FR to read what we post. ~~ Jim Thompson
02/07/2013 13:19:16 PST ·
And don't forget the bloggers, God love 'em....
02/07/2013 13:45:20 PST ·
Jim Robinson:
Oh, yeah. We'll have a blog section too, similar to chapters, clubs, groups, etc. Any FReeper who would like to run a blog can set one up after approval of application.
02/07/2013 13:55:29 PST ·
Jim Robinson:
Hell, any FReeper can run his own forum or news site on MyFRpage. Our News site here is just a user named "News" and the topics are just "pages" under his user account. Who knows. Maybe one of our users can become the next Drudge.
02/07/2013 13:58:53 PST ·
Jim Robinson:
Likewise, our MyFRpage home, about, help pages, etc, are just pages under the user "MyFRpage."
02/07/2013 14:12:49 PST ·
Don't tempt me. I might start blogging and make a mockery of my last five years of zealotry. ;-)
02/07/2013 14:14:4 PST ·
Let's see if this new mojo will show a preview of a video like Facebook:
02/07/2013 14:20:58 PST ·
Jim Robinson:
Or the next FR! If a freeper wants to run and manage his own forum, he can do so from his MyFR user account or apply to me for a user account specifically for that purpose. This is how the clubs, chapters and groups are set up. Each club or chapter is an account. The account owner can set up any pages (topics) he wishes under his account. And (after I get it programmed in) he can recruit others to help him edit and administer it. All pages are currently open to all accepted members, but eventually a page owner can specify his page to be open to members only. That is, a freeper can request to join the page (or be invited to join) and the page owner or his helpers can accept or reject the new member. Therefore, a group of users can effectively set up their own forum or group to concentrate on whatever topics they wish. And they can establish their own rules of conduct for their page as long as they adhere to our family friendly pro-life conservative principles.
02/07/2013 14:25:45 PST ·
Jim Robinson:
Don't know about "preview," but put the youtube url in the "embed" field and it should work.
02/07/2013 14:28:4 PST ·
Jim Robinson:

02/07/2013 14:28:32 PST ·
Jim Robinson:
Don't know what's going on with the server. Every once in awhile it just hangs up for a minute or two. It's on a "cloud" service, albeit a low rent inexpensive one. May have to move up price-wise to get a more powerful account if this one has trouble handling the load (two posters). LOL
02/07/2013 15:1:46 PST ·
"And they can establish their own rules of conduct for their page"
Well that there has some possibilities.. and like the Constitution might therefor contain some NEGATIVE rules, like as in what you may NOT do...
Just fantasisin' here folks, nothing to see, move along...
02/07/2013 15:9:37 PST ·
Jim Robinson:
Like on Amy's Chat Menu at Amy's Place: No Flames, Cussin' or Spittin' allowed :)
02/07/2013 15:15:0 PST ·