FR Status
I can not reach FR is it my problem?
Jim's description of the problem on another site seems like maybe a lot of ups and downs for the next couple of weeks. It seems to be under control, and I am sure will be better than ever when done.
02/20/2013 16:19:20 PST ·
Hi 3D-JOY! Withdrawal pains, huh? LOL. Welcome to the club! Not knowing the other site you're reading, I can't comment on the accuracy. John will have everything under control very soon, and a permanent solution will be finalized soon too, immediately after he determines FR's best options.

Regarding our FReepathons, you're exactly right: "Getting everyone to subscribe monthly is the best solution"! We try every quarter with our New Monthly Donor Campaigns, which have been very successful. Our Monthly Donors ROCK!

These down days might have a silver lining, in that they might help us wrap up this FReepathon before month's end, provided the old adage proves true: "Absence makes the heart grow fonder."

02/20/2013 20:14:12 PST ·
onyx: Your team have been a wonder at getting new monthy donors. I think I read 46 new ones this time. That is what gave me the idea to give out the card and to personally ask them to plan to donate what it is worth to them(?) the second month. OH!! If I could only donate what it is worth to me. Priceless!
02/20/2013 21:2:35 PST ·