This is a brief comment about this test post.
Test post with an image.
Improvements needed:
Need to test source img width - automatically reduce to 60% (claiming transformation to thumbnail) and if result greater than 360 reduce to 360, otherwise post as is.
May be useful?
var image = new Image();
image.src = "test.jpg";
image.onload = function() {
alert('width - ' + image.naturalWidth);
alert('height - ' + image.naturalHeight);
If resulting img width is less than 361 and text length is greater than 2000, text should flow around embedded image, otherwise print under.
Do the above width calculation at post time and store results on the corresponding post or comment record so it doesn't have to be recalculated with every display.
Also support for [caption="This would be a caption"] (builds a table with caption under image).
And support for [bold] [big] [underscore] [strike] [/bold] [/big] [/underscore] [/strike] (would translate to span/class and done via css and all would terminate automatically at end of post?)
Improvements needed:
Need to test source img width - automatically reduce to 60% (claiming transformation to thumbnail) and if result greater than 360 reduce to 360, otherwise post as is.
May be useful?
var image = new Image();
image.src = "test.jpg";
image.onload = function() {
alert('width - ' + image.naturalWidth);
alert('height - ' + image.naturalHeight);
If resulting img width is less than 361 and text length is greater than 2000, text should flow around embedded image, otherwise print under.
Do the above width calculation at post time and store results on the corresponding post or comment record so it doesn't have to be recalculated with every display.
Also support for [caption="This would be a caption"] (builds a table with caption under image).
And support for [bold] [big] [underscore] [strike] [/bold] [/big] [/underscore] [/strike] (would translate to span/class and done via css and all would terminate automatically at end of post?)
Test adding in an image using embed on new edit routine. - Works!
Need to plug in delete routine. - done.
Need to include name and date lines on new ajax screen redraw routine so delete can remove them when redrawn. - done.
bug, after edit with embed, embed displays twice. - fixed.
Need last edited date.
Redraw after posting new comment using "Comment" link draws wrong form (draws full comment form vs brief one line new comment form).
Gonna have to figure out how to localize the timestamps - done on posts and comments. will need to add in elsewhere in system.