For those who think I am wound a little too tight about profanity on the board - there;s a time and a place and here Joe definitely has a time
Welcome aboard!
Here I hope to show some of the highlights from my favorite deer lease in Menard, Texas.
I've been a hunter since I was seven years old and have never grown tired of it, tell you what.
So get your boots on and sling that rifle up.. here we go!
Gunner - Sure you have heard this before - you can delete this (I assume we have that capability). I want to figure out how embed the thing and I can do that on my page.
Jam the url (by itself, no HTML) into the embed box right above the comment box.
Yep. I'm getting the hang of it.
I'll wind up deleting this, as I've got a sort of pictorial storyline in mind for this page.
I reckon you used this spot as a substitute for Freepmail... which makes perfect sense.